A Grateful Leper

This blog is intended to be an extension of myself. Is that pretentious?


It’s a stripped-down journal that I’d like to share with anyone who’s willing to take the time to read it. It’s me, unplugged. This is where I intend to come to record my thoughts and feelings on a lot of things. Is it expecting too much to think that others would be interested in that?


Still, it’s something that might help someone. I’m operating under the assumption that my life experiences and the thoughts and reasonings that follow said experiences might be useful to someone. It might give some people an insight into life that could help them avoid some of what I’ve been through. It could amuse, entertain, challenge, or even anger people. That’s perfectly fine with me. If you know me, you know that my life is sort of lived exactly like that.

I want you to be amused. I want you to laugh. I want you to cry sometimes. I want you to be angry at me. I want to challenge you. I want you to challenge me and make me angry and make me laugh. I hope that someone will jump on board with me during this.

If you don’t, oh well. This is still me, stripped down and unplugged.